Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Drink says it all

The "Samoan" martini at Addy’s is a super-yum vodka martini infused with 3 SECRET alcohols mixed together, and splashed into a typical martini glass. However, this glass is rimmed and swirled with light chocolate syrup, white chocolate syrup, and some caramel. Goosebumps arise just imagining the bartender making it!
*Tidbit: These Girl Scout cookies were always called the Samoa until just recently- and the rumor is that the effect is only of a regional nature. Except we've lived in the same state for many, many years....but the $4 for a box of these currently named Caramel DeLites are worth every cent and are pretty much equivalent to being addicted to the most addictive substance: sugar. MMmmmm.

Last Friday night, (in anticipation of the upcoming Freaker's Ball at D's house), my heart was calling for one as guts and inner worries were spilled out to a good friend who was an old co-worker. Randomly, a blonde beauty who used to be employed in the same dept. no less (a few years back), was there with a group of girl friends and looked quite nervous (or was it tipsy?) came to speak to C. He was so surprised- and nervous no less, which left me in giggles. No pushing or deriding gave him enough courage to go to her table or order drinks for the girl group. This moment of slight failure left us to decide on drinking draft beers for the remainder of our evening. Nothing says cool composure like Blvd. Wheat with extra lemon (it's the zest!).

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