Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Shoe Obsession


The higher the heel, the higher your height- and the taller you are, the more confidence you have. An interesting article by career coach Marty Nemko talks about how a shoe obsession can boost your career. It's always the subject of the easy, amazing, ways that careers or esteems are boosted by doing the smallest actions. Almost every article speaking of women's collections of shoes and the adoring fandom wonderful shoes create must mention Sex and the City. There. 'Nuff said.

Wandering about one day being a tourist (and willfully avoiding the True/False Film Festival tourists themselves) in the District and visiting Maude Vintage, perusing the vintagey, thrifty stores- a pair caught my eye. Well, actually my friend's eye before mine, but just seeing an exquisite (and hardly scuffed) pair of Max Studio heels going for a fifth of it's original price was unmissable. They screamed "I'm yours" and so they are now- but not a victim of impulse shopping, oh no. My self-patience decided that if they were there when I returned later in the week, if they waited for me- they would be mine. (sorry, no pic of them here, but an equally faboo set of MaxStudio heels instead). Score!

My brain goes back and forth, as a heel lover myself, between the exotic, hard-to-find, vintage shoe or the brand new spiciness a dept. store pair has on the soul. And as we all know, spiciness is always good for the soul.

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